Publish with us

Ediciones UAM's work will be senseless if it was not for the authors which give away their knowledge for scientific and cultural awareness. Even though the Publishing Service main task is to edit and spread UAM's knowledge and investigation, it could be also edited and published other works, when these works are interested enough for the UAM's Publishing Comision.

One of the main worries of the team work of Ediciones UAM is the well-being of and the support to the authors throughout all the steps of the editing and publishing of its work.

These are the following steps to publish a piece of work with UAM Ediciones:

  1. Download or pick the applicant's form from the Publishing Service (you can pick the form in the Publishing Service's Secretary. Rectorado building. 2º  Entreplanta. Cantoblanco) or download it in PDF or Word.
  2. Read carefully the terms and follow the indications.
  3. Fill in the form.
  4. Once written the form, submit a paper copy with a summary of the work in 30 lines approximatedly and the original work in paper, without being binded, furthermore, submit a copy in digital format.

 For any doubt, we invite you to reach us throughout some of the following ways:

Edificio Rectorado. 2ª Entreplanta del Campus de Cantoblanco.
91497-4233 – 91497-5106